Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ah, Suzani's...Musings from Modern Motherhood...More Inspring Rooms

I am so inspired by other people and their homes, diy ideas, blogs, recipes...I have never even read a blog until a couple of months ago; now I cannot keep up with all of the talent out there. Check out some links/blogs I follow on my site.

And today, I am thinking about Suzani's again...Such beautiful embroidery, want to buy one on ebay. Here are some examples I found on Ebay:

Want to make pillows out of this one...

All images from Ebay. Search for antique Suzani's.

I so would like to order fabric and suzani's. Hard to do when each paycheck we make is already spent. Sigh. With a car payment, house payment, and a 4 yr old in Montessori school, (piano lessons, new clothes for both, not to mention all of the other bills) we are just spent.  But soon my blog viewing friends, (hello hello...is there anybody out there...) I will order and begin my sewing escapades. Should be very amusing to watch; but I am determined to figure it out with some how-to books.

Finally,  my before and after living room pics will be in progress soon... In the meantime, here is another link for a great way to show your house to all of us homeade Do It Yourself-ers: (English?)


A good way to show us your before and afters, or photos of your rooms at your home. I have so many talented friends/family out there - take some photos of your projects and homes! You know who you are...

Just need to reflect upon on this journey of marriage, and family life in this cultrue. Motherhood is both the most rewarding, and challenging journey I have ever been on...The longest days, and the shortest years. At this point in my life, it is vital to find some time alone...My children, the house, the lessons and errands, dinner, class photos - and yes, oh shit they were today and I forgot, the laundry!? How do we all keep up? There is simply not enough time in the day. I multitask so much, the other day I lost my purse. Something I don't usually do, (suprisingly enough I always know where my key, wallet and purse are: dear husband, please note: try putting it in the same spot every day -love yah babe, but wow, would love to stop looking for keys in the morning rush).

All of that said, last Monday (after a big playdate at mine) I found myself without a purse, a pretty good wine buzz going, and at 6:00 realizing I could not get my daughter to piano with no car keys. Okay, backtrack... I had just been to Costco, and arrived home (to my very messy house) just in time for a giant playdate - 10 kids, 4 moms, which turned into a great mommy playdate with plenty o'wine and food.  (which by the way, changed the feel of Monday completely. I highly recommend doing this sometime).

 But I was so rushed, I put my purse, yes, my purse in the laundry machine, I guess as all my friends walked in the door and I desperately tried to pick up a laundry pile and stick it in the wash, purse and all. Luckily, being as scattered as I was, I did not put the soap in or turn it on. Its the small things that count, isn't it?

So as I embarassingly told the story to our piano teacher yesterday, and told her the story and she so wisely said..."You are obviously operating on too many levels, spreading yourself too thin..." What wisdom. Brilliant. So nice for someone to recognize this.... I almost cried due to the way she said it; without judgement and with kindness in her face.

As women in this American life we are expected to bring home the bacon, cook, clean, launder, have a clean-appearing house (which is impossible, without paying someone) look good in your skinny jeans, (at least in my community of outdoor toned ladies) be a constant healthy snack maker, kisser of boo-boos while loving everyone unconditionally, expert resolution finder, chauffer all with a smile on our face (never being late of course), and be a positive, happy wife and teacher of your children. I try so hard to live up to these expectations but sometimes find myself wanting to lie down, and just not answer to anyone but myself. Of course having said all of this I certainly would not trade any of this chaos for the quiet-ness/insecurity of my younger years. The thing about those younger years is that I was lonely, self-involved and less sure of myself. (albeit very well rested) I guess why I am verbally assaulting you all with this is that I am saying it is the balance I am lacking. I am going to try so much harder to find that balance in my life. A goal for 2012.

Perhaps that is why I love looking at beautiful homes , art and rooms which inspire me.  When things are in order, we all feel better. When they are complete. Can't wait to complete my projects here at home. Here are yet some more rooms I have been admiring...All from House Beautiful:

Love the dreamy paintings...

The Lettered Cottage.net. Love the paint on the walls, Oyster Bay by Sherwin Williams.

the art, the mixing of patterns...

like the patterns and suzani's!

Wish I could begin my serious painting again too...This is my year though, I can feel it. I found these on Etsy; love the use of color - painterly is the word I would describe these, and what I aspire to be as a painter:

Paintings by Samantha French, on Etsy.
Look at the skin tone and light! I love to paint light...

In May, I will finally have a few days alone to work on my projects. So necessary at this point in my life to take a few days for just me and my artwork. I have not had a day off , a full day off from my children in years...Love them as I do, being 41 is such a time of self-awareness. Time to shit or get off the pot, as my dad used to say...

Also, just found this DIY about making paper pinwheels. Could be a permanent artwork piece or for a party. See thelovelycupboard.com for full instructions. Isn't it pretty?

The Lovelycupboard.com

Hostess with the Mostess

Let me know if anyone has read this, or has any insight on balance. Love to hear from other moms/women out there about their lives...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

SewPaintLove: DIY, Recycle, Re-use...Final Fabric? For our Livin...

SewPaintLove: DIY, Recycle, Re-use...Final Fabric? For our Livin...: Got my first sunburn yesterday.  And of course today, its snowing. 73 degrees yesterday, today 32. Love Montana living, one can always coun...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

DIY, Recycle, Re-use...Final Fabric? For our Living Room Makeover

Got my first sunburn yesterday.  And of course today, its snowing. 73 degrees yesterday, today 32. Love Montana living, one can always count on change.

Pray, Montana, near Chico hot springs...Our favorite hangout. A painting of mine in the works
 So as I sit on a snowy Sunday with my sunburn, I am thinking about all the ways we can re-use and recycle in our home. I have made a pledge to never buy windex/all purpose cleaner again. Over the past few months, I have made my own non-toxic cleaning products using essential oils, vinegar, and a bit of Mrs. Meyers cleaner for some aromatherapy. (love the way Mrs.Meyers smells!) On Pinterest, I just found a make it yourself orange peel cleaner and tried it out. I am amazed at the results.

Put Orange Peels, a 1/2 cup of vinegar or so, cover with water, and let sit for a week or more. Pinterest
All we did was eat oranges, which we do all the time usually. I used it on stainless steel, and my granite counters, and it worked great. It was a little streaky on our glass doors, but so great as an all purpose cleaner. I also added a little basil essential oil (Doterra is a nice, pure oil) and it smells great.

And here are my fabric choices...Final. I think. Okay, I will edit some of these probably, but ordering the swatches. Then i just have to learn how to sew curtains, put in zippers for pillows. Should be comical.

Robert Allen Okemo Bluebell
For my curtains...

Thomas Paul Aviary, in Tangerine...
Better Homes and Gardens, like the chocolate brown geometric print
Pottery Barn, I think I will sew a white/blue linen pillow or two like these

Serena and Lily, French Circles

Color of my couch

Better Homes and Gardens, this is where I found the orange + blue + brown...And white!

Robert Allen, Leafy stitch...Calico Corners. Don't know if this will match, but I love this stitch and fabric.

Love this Robert Allen too...I guess I still have editing to do.

I have been plotting out my first Do It Yourself (DIY baby!) to complete so I finally have some actual progress photos for y'all.  Waiting on my new droid camera, but really, I think I need a real digital camera at some point....As I start photographing my progress, here are some great tips to save money while re-using things we already have...

Paper Mache letters made out of cereal boxes! Originally on Pinterest, but found DIY Gardens 2 Bergers...Link below:


And who doesn't need some Modge Podge? How easy is this DIY from link below:


Stay tuned for some easter egg stuff...